Comeon vs Genesis FC

Comeon vs Genesis FC

10.08.2020 21:30
League 4 - DAY 5

Player statistic

    13:00 Goal 17. Stefano
21. Adam Lumb Goal 29:00    
    37:00 Goal 12. Reza Haack
    47:00 Goal 17. Stefano

Additional information

Referee of the match
Man of the match
In derby match of League 4, Genesis confirmed their promotion to League 3. In equal match, with excellent level of fair play from both sides, result was draw till 10 mins before the end of the match. Then concentration of Comeon's players went down and Genesis knew how to use it. This was the last match for Genesis this season, while Comeon has to win against Fast Track if they want to keep second place and win promotion to League 3.
PlayerMan of the match
17. Stefano1