Comeon vs Stanleybet

Comeon vs Stanleybet

17.04.2023 20:30
League 2 - Round 11 - 22/23

Player statistic

1st half
    4' Goal 10. Antonio Monticelli
    5' Goal 02. Antonio Tola
    7' Goal 10. Antonio Monticelli
03. Reuben Dabin-Debono Goal 7'    
    9' Goal 06. Ensi Ymeraj
04. Tom Arild Vanvik Goal 13'    
    22' Goal 10. Antonio Monticelli
2nd half
    30' Goal 02. Antonio Tola
    34' Goal 05. Andrea Rufa
    35' Goal 07. Robert Bugeja
03. Reuben Dabin-Debono Goal 41'    
    43' Goal 02. Antonio Tola
    46' Goal OWN GOAL

Match statistic

Numbers of goals

Additional information

Referee of the match
Man of the match
06. Antonio Monticelli
In a great match, Stanlaybet reached a 3-goal advantage from the beginning, which they managed to keep until the end without conceding the game to the opponent. Comeon tried to catch up result, especially in the first half, but they just were closed in one moment in the first half. Stanlaybet plays the next game in the Cup, while Comeon plays against Pinnacle.